• "Absolutely the favorite bookmark of the serious reader."

    A rendition of an Isfahan Persia (modern day Iran) – Original circa 1650 It is a beautiful blend of golden yellow, deep lush red with slight highlights of green & cream all woven within a black base.
  • "Timeless motifs & designs from ages past, all for your contemporary needs."

    A rendition of an Isfahan (Persia modern day Iran) An exquisite blend of golden yellow, deep lush red with slight highlights of green & cream colors all woven within a rich black base. Product image shows carpet in package (left) and out (right).
  • The world's most beautiful and effective mousepad, guaranteed!

    A rendition of an Isfahan (Persia) An exquisite blend of golden yellow, deep lush red with slight highlights of green & cream colors all woven within a rich black base. Product image shows mousepad in package, front and back.
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